All-Breed Rescue And Training in Colorado Springs will be offering the January/February Rat Games League in Colorado Springs, CO. The premium is listed below:
Author: Rat Games
Country Road Ratting is hosting the Jan/Feb Rat Games league in Erie. The premium link is below.
Rebel Ratters in Littleton, CO has published their premium for the Jan/Feb Rat Games League.
Who‘s up for Rat Games league play? Anyone, sanctioned or non-sanctioned, with 2 string bales can host. 1-2 games per two week period for eight weeks starting in January. All groups are provided maps and hides. All eight weeks are not required to be run. Pick your weeks or play them all.
Sanctioned clubs need to provide an approved judge and trial secretary for qualifying scores to be recorded for titles. There will be the standard run fee for recording the runs.
Non-Sanctioned groups would still be able to play and be offered all the maps, hides, and materials for discounted run fees. These groups would not have runs recorded for titles but be ranked with the other dogs. This is a great way for instructors to introduce the games to their students. It is also a great way to practice for becoming an Approved Club.
Games can be run anytime during the two week period and maps will be distributed the week prior. All scores will be ranked so all participants can see where they would fall nationally. Clubs wishing to offer multiple runs per dog on the same course will be allowed but dogs will be ranked only from their first run. Additional runs are marked FEO and run fees are discounted.
Please send us a message through Facebook or email if you would like to participate. Share to those who would be good candidates to host. We are looking forward to you joining us!
Dog Sports America will be holding a Rat Games Tournament on New Year’s Day at Matrix Dog in Westminster, CO. The tournament will feature seven games, four of which will be featured with a prize pool for the top three combined dogs.
There are two Rat Games scheduled in Colorado in November. One is at Matrix Dog on November 2-4 and one is at All Breed Rescue And Training just a few weeks later. Both of them will feature new Colorado judges. Judy Katz will be judging at both events and Courtney Taylor will be judging at Matrix Dog. We are excited to have two judges who have so much enthusiasm for rat hunting.
On Labor Day weekend there will be a jackpot Rat Games Tournament at Matrix Dog. Six games will be offered twice each. After the tournament games, Me First will be played as a double elimination bracket each day.
Because of the overwhelming reception of our new games, we are rapidly working to get trials sanctioned throughout the country. Should you wish to host a trial, please contact us and we can discuss if and how we can make an event happen at your location.

Focused on Fun!
Rat Games is a sanctioning organization of rat hunting with our dogs. Our focus is on fun and games for competitors, officials, and spectators!
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